Long Island Exterminating Co.

Serving Long Island, NY (Nassau and Suffolk Counties)

Welcome to Long Island Exterminating Co.’s comprehensive pest and animal control services across Long Island, NY. From the shores of Nassau to the eastern reaches of Suffolk County, our expert team provides tailored solutions to keep your homes and businesses pest-free. Explore our services across Long Island’s diverse communities, ensuring your space is safe and comfortable no matter where you are.

Serving Communities on Long Island, NY with Expertise

Long Island’s unique geography, from its dense suburban neighborhoods to its rural areas, presents a variety of pest control challenges. Long Island Exterminating Co., with over 65 years of experience based in Huntington, NY, is uniquely positioned to meet these challenges head-on. Our services cover every town across Nassau and Suffolk counties, ensuring that whether you’re in a bustling suburb or a quiet seaside community, you have access to the highest quality pest control solutions.

Tailored Pest Control Solutions for Every Town

Our detailed approach to pest and animal control includes:

  • A thorough assessment of your specific pest issue, considering the local environment and seasonal factors unique to Long Island.
  • Customized treatment plans designed to effectively target pests while prioritizing the safety of your family and pets.
  • Preventative strategies to protect your property from future infestations, ensuring long-term peace of mind.

Local Expertise Across Nassau and Suffolk Counties

Our extensive service area includes a comprehensive list of towns, from Albertson to Woodmere, providing residents and businesses with:

  • Immediate and effective pest control services tailored to the specific needs of Long Island’s communities.
  • Knowledgeable advice and support from local experts who understand the unique challenges of living and working on Long Island.
  • A commitment to environmentally responsible practices, ensuring the well-being of our local ecosystems.

Explore Our Services

Discover the peace of mind that comes with professional pest control services by exploring the towns we serve across Nassau and Suffolk counties. Each community on Long Island has its own page detailing the services we offer, ensuring you find the precise support you need to keep your property pest-free.

Trust Long Island Exterminating Co. for all your pest and animal control needs across Long Island, NY. Our team is ready to provide you with effective, environmentally friendly solutions tailored to the unique characteristics of your local area.

HACCP Certified
New York Pest Management Association
National Pest Management Association
As Seen on Bar Rescue