Long Island Exterminating Co.

Tick and Mosquito Control Services

Enjoy your outdoor spaces without the worry of ticks and mosquitoes. Long Island Exterminating Co. offers comprehensive Tick & Mosquito Control Services across Huntington, NY, and the broader Nassau and Suffolk County NY areas. Our environmentally friendly solutions not only minimize health risks but also enhance your outdoor living experience, keeping your family and pets safe from pest-related diseases. Trust in our expertise to create a more enjoyable, pest-free environment around your home.

Protect Your Family & Pets from Ticks

At Long Island Exterminating Co., we understand the urgency of tick control in Nassau and Suffolk County. Ticks, carriers of Lyme Disease, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more, pose significant health risks. Our comprehensive tick control and removal services are designed to eliminate these dangers, allowing your family and pets to enjoy your outdoor spaces safely.

The Health Risks of Ticks and Mosquitoes

Ticks and mosquitoes are not just nuisances; they’re carriers of serious diseases such as Lyme disease, West Nile virus, and Zika virus. Our targeted control services are essential for reducing these health risks and ensuring the safety of your outdoor environments.

Understanding Tick-Borne Diseases

Tick-borne diseases are a growing concern, with ticks transmitting harmful bacteria to humans and pets. Our expert team is well-versed in the behaviors of Deer Ticks, American Dog Ticks, and Lone Star Ticks—each known for spreading distinct diseases. We focus on proactive measures and tailored solutions to protect your property from these common Long Island pests.

  • Deer Ticks: Primary carriers of Lyme disease, active in various seasons and preferring wooded paths and grassy areas.
  • American Dog Ticks: Known as “wood ticks,” they target domestic dogs and can transmit diseases leading to fever and rashes.
  • Lone Star Ticks: Increasingly common, these aggressive ticks primarily bite humans, potentially causing allergic reactions to red meat.

Detecting a Tick Infestation

Identifying a tick infestation early is crucial for effective control. Ticks are adept at remaining hidden, making professional evaluation and treatment essential. Look for ticks on your pets, around the waistline, ankles, or hair, and in warm, moist areas with abundant vegetation. Our tick control experts are ready to inspect your property, identify risks, and implement targeted removal strategies.

Our Tick & Mosquito Control Services

With Long Island Exterminating Co., you get tailored tick and mosquito management solutions that fit your specific needs. Our approach includes:

  • Property Assessments: Conducting thorough inspections to identify breeding grounds and high-risk areas.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Developing effective strategies using treatments that are safe for people, pets, and the planet.
  • Preventive Advice: Offering practical tips to reduce future risks and keep your property pest-free.
  • Ongoing Support: Providing regular treatments and monitoring to maintain a comfortable outdoor space.

The Tick & Mosquito Control Process

Our control process is designed to ensure long-term relief from ticks and mosquitoes:

  1. Initial Consultation and Inspection: We start with a detailed assessment to understand the extent of the infestation and identify key problem areas.
  2. Strategic Treatment Application: Implementing safe, effective control measures tailored to your property’s specific challenges.
  3. Prevention and Education: We equip you with the knowledge and strategies to help prevent future infestations.
  4. Regular Maintenance and Checks: Ensuring your property remains a safe haven from pests with our ongoing support.

Why Choose Long Island Exterminating Co.?

Long Island Exterminating Co. combines over 65 years of pest control expertise with a commitment to safety and environmental stewardship. Serving Huntington, NY, and the surrounding counties, we’re dedicated to delivering tick and mosquito control solutions that protect your health and enhance your outdoor living. Our knowledgeable team is ready to provide you with a safer, more enjoyable home environment.

Don’t let ticks and mosquitoes keep you indoors. Contact Long Island Exterminating Co. today for effective, environmentally conscious pest control services. Let us help you reclaim your outdoor spaces with confidence.

HACCP Certified
New York Pest Management Association
National Pest Management Association
As Seen on Bar Rescue